Assembly Line E-filing

Bryce Willey @wowitisbryce

Quinten Steenhuis @QSteenhuis

Why E-Filing?

  • A key part in the self-represent litigant experience
    • Let's them file wherever they are, no going to court
  • Makes things easier for the courts
A drawing of a sad person taking time to bring forms to a court

Project Partners

Matt Newsted
A headshot of Matt Newsted
Illinois Legal Aid Online
Amanda Brown
A headshot of Amanda Brown
Lagniappe Law Lab


  • Need to be able to file with multiple e-filing systems
    • Tyler Technologies and ECF v4.0 in Illinois
    • Jefferson Parish JeffNet e-filing in Louisiana
  • ECF requires domain specific XML over SOAP



Technical Motivations

  • couldn't find good python SOAP libraries
    • not maintained, or missing needed features
    • Java was the next best language for SOAP
  • Productive with docassemble JSON
    • flexible, but guided

The E-file Proxy Server

  • Docker-enabled Java Server that takes JSON requests over HTTP/S
  • sends proper HTTP requests to JeffNet
  • sends SOAP requests to Tyler

The Docassemble Side

  • docassemble-integrated python interface
  • core questions
  • a full general e-filing Interview

Example Usage: LA

Louisiana Statewide Name Change Form

code: |
  efile_author_mode = False
  jurisdiction_id = 'louisiana'
  proxy_conn = ProxyConnection(credentials_code_block=None)
mandatory: True
id: main order block
code: |
  if can_check_efile:
question: |
  Your form is read to download
subquestion: |
  % if ready_to_efile and not (defined('efile') and efile):
  Click the "E-File" button below to e-file your form
  at ${ trial_court }.

  ${ action_button_html(url_ask([{'recompute':['efile']}]), 
      label='E-file', icon='file-export') }
  % endif

The Future

  • Finish certification process (ongoing)
  • ECF v5.0
  • Additional EFM system integrations
  • Community building: what do you want to see?