Polished posts
These posts are what I'd consider my professional output. Throughly researched and edited.
- Javax to Jakarta
- Credit Across Industries
- Web Accessibility Standards
- Readability Scores Pt 2: Observations
- Readability Scores Pt 1: Reference Guide
- What the World Needs: Pivoting away from Robotics
Other posts
These posts are generally shorter but still technical.
- A Review of the Nintendo Music App
- Docassemble and Algebraic Effects
- Bug Solving 2: uWSGI boogaloo
- Why Architecture Decision Records (ADRs) are Good
- How to (kinda?) learn a language with Advent of Code
- On blog posts: trying to write more
- Mystery Internet Bug: Text-to-Speech and The Notorious B.I.G.
- Phases of Bug Solving
- Choosing New Colors for my Website
Update posts
Do you care about my personal life? These are for you I guess!
These are mostly just saved versions of my now page, because it's easier than going through my GitHub history to see them.